Strike a Pose

30 09 2008

Image courtesy: POSE MANIACS

Bookmarking this site for later this term when we get to figure drawing. Kind of excited, kind of scary! Cars and people are probably the two most intimidating things to draw for me and for that reason I’ve yet to attempt it. Drawing from life is the more challenging but these computer generated poses are a good way to get some extra practice.  The site is in Japanese but it’s translated fairly well that even I can navigate it. Check it out here.

Supermarket Sweep

22 11 2007

 On the heels of Etsy’s success comes Supermarket, which I can best describe as the self-assured elder sister whose appeal is towards those seeking a more modern style. You’ll see less one-off craft pieces and higher prices, but you will find well-designed, unique, and often sustainably made items. It’s like a consortium of up and coming design studios, allowing you to go from store to store filling up your shopping cart. Currently the product selection is limited but it will be interesting to see its growth and whether it will develop the same community feel that makes Etsy so appealing.

Poketo art for your poketo change

11 10 2007

Slim billfold wallets from Poketo. Art on the go for only $20.

Also track the Poketo’s Dreambook Project, a chain sketchbook traveling around the world.