Is faking it better?

19 09 2008

From Core77 by way of PFSK, electronic DJ Ritchie Hawtin explains the Traktor software which can sync up to four tracks at once. While purists may argue that it’s cheating to leave beat matching to a computer, this allows him to spend more time finding tracks and thinking about different ways to create music. Click here to watch him explain.

Fluid attraction

31 08 2008

Image courtesy:

Searching for images of water led to an article on magnetic water which turned out to be a hoax. It got me thinking about liquid magnets, and found interesting DIY methods of creating ferrofluids

Image courtesy: MAKE

Parashell Umbrellas

30 06 2008

From PingMag, John Di Cesare discusses his Parashell umbrellas – inspired by seashells, brought to life from abandoned umbrellas. Also, tidbits on Japan’s umbrella culture. Read more here.
I’ll be on hiatus for the next month in New York studying product design at Parsons. I hope to return even more inspired, captivated, and enamored by industrial design; resolved and motivated to continue my studies.

The Art of Sound

27 02 2008

Clipboarding this article; I think it’d be neat to do something similar with a Marimekko print. From the dwell blog:

Too often, acoustics gets overlooked when planning a living space. Rather than settling for quick and easy boxed solutions, or maxing credit cards out on high-priced systems, you can improve your room’s sound simply by adding wall coverings. 

Sound bounces off hard surfaces, such as wood, metal and tile, creating a din. Upholstery, canvases, pillows and acoustic tiles absorb sound, helping you to better hear its nuances. Herman Miller makes acoustic panels (above) in modern prints for sleek environments, and MyTheater offers solid colors in larger sizes that can do double duty as artwork.

WWF Deeper Luxury Report

18 01 2008

The World Wildlife Fund has released a report on luxury brands and their responsibility to improve sustainability. Regardless of status, companies that are proactive about creating environmentally and socially responsible design make a powerful statement on the importance of being earth friendly. Check out the report here.

Handmade 2.0

17 12 2007

Rob Walker of the New York Times discusses the DIY culture and anti-corporate consumerism with a deeper look inside Click here to view the NYT article.

madame björk & the future of multi-touch

13 12 2007

Dressed in a voluminous gold ruffled dress, Björk floated across the stage at the Nokia Live Theater last night.  Everything was a contrast to her tiny frame; her voice, the brass band, fire and light show, confetti and streamers. With the two large screens on the sides out of commission, in its place were three smaller ones on stage. What displayed almost stole the show for me:

Click here to learn more.  Apple has received considerable buzz for its multi-touch technology, but I love the visual interface of the lemur and reactable. I can only imagine its other possible applications…children’s toys, or a way for the deaf to create music.

Being at the new Nokia Live Theater was an experience in itself. The seating arrangement allows for ample unobstructed views of the stage, and despite the number of people in attendance it wasn’t a complete bottleneck trying to leave at the end of the night. It’ll be interesting to see how the rest of LA Live will develop! As we returned to our cars I realized some things may never change. A row of bacon-wrapped hot dog carts lined 11th street, tempting as always.

Supermarket Sweep

22 11 2007

 On the heels of Etsy’s success comes Supermarket, which I can best describe as the self-assured elder sister whose appeal is towards those seeking a more modern style. You’ll see less one-off craft pieces and higher prices, but you will find well-designed, unique, and often sustainably made items. It’s like a consortium of up and coming design studios, allowing you to go from store to store filling up your shopping cart. Currently the product selection is limited but it will be interesting to see its growth and whether it will develop the same community feel that makes Etsy so appealing.

Ms. Autumn

15 11 2007
Image source: The Sartorialist

I refuse to believe this outfit would be less impactful without the backdrop. I love the retro-fem style, the rich colors, and the continuum of fabric in the skirt and bow. Add the gorgeous foliage and she is truly a vision.

Jesus Juice Box

11 11 2007

Mention “box wine” to someone and you’ll probably get a laugh. It lacks the classy curved silhouette, the cork… and it would stick out like a sore thumb in a wine cellar. Boxed sake is nothing new, it’s what I’d see my uncle having whenever I went to Japan.

The other day I was in the wine aisle at Target and saw a new addition to the usual Wine Cubes. Personal serving size versions. Juice boxes for grownups! I couldn’t resist. I’m no connoisseur, just someone using creative packaging as an excuse to drink wine. The Cab/Shiraz was sold out so I went with the Pinot Grigio. My reasoning? It had the barest shelf space, therefore it must be popular. 🙂

(No, it doesn’t come with a straw.)

So my layman’s verdict is that it tastes pretty nice. It’s refreshing and light.  At $7.99 for a 4-pack it’s not a bad deal, especially if you want something quick and easy to enjoy with a meal, smuggle into a concert or on the job (haha kidding). It paired with some down-home salmon zoosui (rice porridge) nicely!